Monday, November 21, 2011


I am aware that I have not kept up with blogging.  In my defense it has been so busy here with two new little ones joining the family.  However, I know that it is not fair to keep everyone waiting for an update so long.  I know how I feel when I follow families adoption journeys.  It becomes so personal to me and I always look forward to checking in on the blogs and seeing how everyone is doing.  So here we go:
I will start with Olivia.  She came home ready, willing and able to bond with all of us.  She was thin and frail and at age 4 she was wearing a size 3 in clothes.  She has a wonderful appetite and likes most foods.  She did come home with giardia but that was quickly cleared up with meds.  In these past two months she has opened her heart and jumped into family life as if she had been here forever.  If you remember, her referral stated that she had cerebral palsy, mental retardation and an umbilical hernia.  Well, the only thing that was correct was the umbilical hernia which will be repaired next summer as per her doctor.  She does not have cerebral palsy and she does not have mental retardation.  In fact, she is a very bright little girl.  She is already able to recite her ABC's, she has memorized several songs, she is completely potty trained even at night. She knows her colors, shapes and is eager to learn everything.  She even remembers to say her blessing before she eats. She is adorable to say the least and we love her so much.  Olivia is also learning to share. Her first  few weeks home she thought she should be able to snatch toys away from her siblings even those that did not belong to her.  She has learned to chew with her mouth closed, (something I am still working on with an older brother of hers; LOL)  She no longer hits the other kids, (she learned they would hit back and she did not like that at all)  She no longer puts her hands on her hips and goes HHMMMMM when she does not get her way, she quickly learned that the only thing that earns you at our home is your nose in the corner while mommy watches to make sure you feel safe yet learn your lesson.  Olivia has come far in a short time and I know she will continue to thrive within the safety and love of our family.
Now to update on Luke-Thomas. When Luke arrived and his daddy placed him in my arms for the first time, I knew he was where God intended him to be.  I do not even know how to explain how this little boy filled a place in my heart that was reserved just for him.  Luke was so tiny that it scared me.  At 4 years old, he was in size 18 month clothes.  He weighed in at 20 pounds and was just the cutest little boy I had ever seen.  We immediately started him on pediasure with all the food he wanted to eat.  I am thrilled to say that Luke now weighs 28 pounds.  Yep, he gained 8 pounds in two months and he feels so much better and has lots more energy than when he arrived.  He has spent the past two months going to Doctors and Specialists and lots of testing.  So far I only have great news to report.  His urologist cleared him and never needs to see him again.  He was seen by one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons who said that his skeletal structure was completely normal, just tiny, and that he did not need to wear bracing on his feet any longer and that he did not need to be seen by him for a year and he will reevaluate him then but he did not expect for anything to change between now and then.  YAY!!!  He was also seen be a Gastroenterologist and had upper and lower GI testing and other than having a redundant colon, (which means he has a loopy colon) no treatment needed, he had perfectly normal results. Then he was seen by ENT and no problems there.  We have appts set with the geneticist and Neurologist and figure they will be able to give us some answers as to why Luke is so tiny and cannot walk.  Until then, we have gotten Luke a pediatric walker and that kid can get anywhere he wants to go with this thing.  He loves having the freedom to move about like his siblings.  He also has learned to walk around the couch and tables holding on.  He is such a trooper.  He is constantly smiling and singing, laughing, smiling, smiling, smiling!!!!  He is such a happy boy and we just love him so much.  He is eating great, (loves yogurt) he also can recite his ABC's, sing twinkle twinkle little star, say his blessing before his meals, put a small puzzle together, brush his teeth, play and share with siblings, and loves his Toy Story Car that was sent to him by a very special couple who reviewed his file and allowed his file to go back so that we could pursue his adoption.  He is cognitively just fine.  He has some delays but is catching up quickly and will be on target very soon.  He understands what is being said to him and is speaking English and Chinese.  He is willing to learn and is patient while being taught.  He loves cars and trucks also enjoys playing outside.  We have an area set up with mats so that he can crawl without skinning his knees if he does not want to use his walker outside.  He loves bath time, playtime, nap time, anytime!  He just loves life!!!  He goes to bed with a smile on his face and says "I wu you" every night to me.  He is happy to be home.    
Both kiddos had their baptism last Saturday and it was a special moment for all of us.  We have been blessed by all of our children and are thankful and appreciative that we are allowed to parent these precious kids of ours. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


FINALLY, TA !!!!!!!!!!!

Do I need to say more..............
Will update with the itinerary when the kids go to bed tonight.

I am Blessed 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It has been a GREAT DAY!  Just got the call that Luke's LOA is finally here!!!!!
Signing it tomorrow, sending in with I800 next day and our angels will be home soon.
I am one happy mommy today :):)

Update on Luke-Thomas

I was extremely surprised to receive an update on Luke yesterday.  Look how beautiful my son is :)  Our family received LOA for our daughter Olivia last month and was told that Luke's would be here in the next week or shortly thereafter.  YIPPEE!!!!  My babies are coming home soon.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our Journey to Luke

The meaning behind the name and how we came to know that he was our son:  Simcha Luke-Thomas

To start you have to understand that adding another child to our family at this point in our lives takes a great deal of faith and trusting that we are doing what "Our Father" is leading us to do. 
Joe and I came to the decision that we would only adopt one child, a daughter this time around, our beautiful little girl Olivia Hope.  Weeks went by after making that decision and one evening I started looking through the yahoo groups and came across a post about Luke.  (I had previously stopped looking at the special needs children because it was so heartbreaking to see the faces of the children.)  but against my better judgment I went to the Orphan's Wish site and saw his sweet face and read the information they had written about him on their blog.  I loved the description of him and how they called him Mr. Happy.  I had a sudden sense that this was my child.   But NO, Joe and I had decided on a daughter, just a daughter, not two children.  I could not get Luke out of my mind that evening, I prayed to God to allow Joe to know of Luke without any mention from me if he was meant to be our son.  That feeling was there though, the same as with my other children, I knew with each child that they were mine.  God would have to lead Joe to Luke though.  The next morning I awoke with Luke on my mind.  Still I refused to say a word about him to Joe, I had to trust that God would show Joe the way to Luke if he were meant to be our son.  That morning after the children had gone out to play and our youngest was down for a nap, Joe and I were sitting and talking catching up on the previous week.  He was telling me about work and I was telling him about the kids and things they had done while he was working, when all of a sudden there was a silence. Joe looked up at me and out of the blue said "If we adopt a son, we will name him Simcha"  WHAT!!!  I was kind of in shock.  I said "Joe, what do you mean"  He said again, "If we adopt a son, we will name him Simcha"  Okay, why are you telling me this..... I then felt that this might be the sign from God I was waiting for.  I sat and told him about Luke...I told him all I knew and that he was called Mr Happy and what a joyous child they said he was.  I told him that I was not going to mention Luke to him unless I had felt that God was leading him to Luke as well. Without speaking Joe got up and left the room.  I was not sure what he was doing.  After a few minutes he came back to me and said "Luke is our son"  I then asked what he had been doing.  He told me that he went and looked up the meaning of the name means JOYOUS and HAPPY!!!!!!  For us, this was that sign from God.  Now Joe felt what I had felt the previous night, Luke was our son. It became so clear to us and that is when we started praying for God to lead  us in finding a way to bring Luke home.  At that same time, we also started reviewing the files of other little boys because we knew that Luke's file was not available, another family was reviewing it and his file was with a different agency than the one we were using to bring Olivia home.  So many obstacles were against us.  With every file we reviewed we found son after son who we thought were precious and would fit within our family.  BUT, God kept nudging and we knew that nudging meant we would wait this out with Luke.  Surely, God would not have led him to us in this way if he were not meant to be our son.  So we waited, we prayed, we waited some more then the most incredible thing happened.....I got the email :  SEE UPDATE JANUARY 22ND POST
I had never heard of the name Simcha but we both believe that is the name God chose for us to give Luke.  So we are naming him Simcha Luke-Thomas Church.  We will call him Luke, and  the name Thomas is after the husband of the couple who had Luke's file with the other agency.  This family found me through an amazing set of circumstances and reached out to us.  They love Luke very much and  will remain a part of our families life.  They are both a part of our journey, the path to Luke and we want that recognized. 
So that is our story:):):)

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Pre-approval came today. 
This is our son...............LUKE!
We are naming him Simcha Luke-Thomas, he is three years and we are beyond thrilled that he will be joining our family.  He will be our tenth child, 8th son, 6th child adopted from China.  He will be coming home with our precious daughter Olivia who is also three years old.  So happy to finally be able to share our joy. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As soon as I have PA, I will post a picture of our beautiful son.  I am so thankful to God for the opportunity to parent these precious children.  I love my kids so much!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I was contacted the other night by someone I have never met.  Her email brought me to tears...they were tears of pure JOY.  She did not know me nor I her, you might say she found me by pure chance but I say God led her to me, and a bond was formed instantly.  You see, we both bonded over a little boy who lives in China.  This little boy needs a family, we both wanted to be that family.  She had this child's file, had been praying for this little boy for months and had talked to many Doctors on this little boys behalf to learn more about what his life would be like once he is home with a family.  This child would be the first for her and her husband if they adopted him, he would be our tenth if we did.  She and her husband came to the decision that they would step back and allow us to have his file.  I know how very difficult that must have been.  To love a child and let them go so another family could adopt them.  We too, have been praying for this little boy.  God led us to him and we truly believe with all our hearts that he is our son.  Due to this unselfish act by the other family we are now able to send in our Letter of Intent for this child.  I plan to keep in touch with the family and let them see how this little boy is growing and thriving when he comes home.  For the time being, I keep in touch with her and share about our family now.  I want her to know and have the comfort that this child will be loved unconditionally for his entire life.  I want her to be able to see him grow and share in his happiness.  You see, I too, fell in love with a little boy years ago who we were unable to adopt.  God led me to the family that was adopting him and that mom has allowed me to watch her son grow and thrive even if it is only through pictures and her blog.  In fact, we named our son Daniel after her son.  It just felt right. 
So, we may not always understand which path we should be on, but I choose to follow God's lead.  He has blessed me so much.  


DOSSIER TO CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Immigration Approval

Today it came....Immigration Approval  I-797 for not one but 2 precious children from China!!!!!  :):):)
Now to get all this paperwork to my agency and soon to be DTC. 
Still praying for the same little boy to join our family.  Will know something by next week.  My agency will be asking for his file then. 
To be continued...........